SHEMS Solutions Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Policy Statement

The management of SHEMS Solutions Consultants Limited (SSC) is committed to the protection of health and safety of every stakeholders affected by our operations and uses our services.

Wherever we operate, we will conduct our business with care and respect for the client, local and global standard, manage risks to drive sustainable business growth and development.

SSC shall thrive to create a safe work environment by eliminating injuries, occupational illnesses, unsafe conditions and practices and environmental issues in our activities.

To meet our commitment, SHEMS Solutions Consultants Limited will:

  1. ensure compliance to customers, local and international applicable legal and regulatory standards and requirements ISO 45001:2018;
  2. ensure continual improvement of our processes through employee’s participation and involvement;
  3. enhance employees’ competence, knowledge through both formal/informal training;
  4. demonstrate visible and active leadership participation through management review; involvement in HSE meeting to show direction for others to follow;
  5. manage all projects, products and services throughout their life-cycles to satisfy our customers’ needs not compromising quality and protection of life and properties;
  6. reduce and/or prevent of job related incident(s) by identification of hazards through risk assessment, job safety analysis, coaching and following the risk control hierarchy;
  7. create relevant safety and health awareness by providing relevant information to our staff, contractors, visitors and other interested parties through induction programme;
  8. monitor and measure compliance through unscheduled inspection and periodic audit;
  9. maintain a safe, secure and healthy work environment to all stakeholders by encouraging reporting is unsafe acts, unsafe conditions, near misses and accident;
  10. organize an incentive programme to encourage best contributions by employees to improvement of our system.


Our Expectations

  • We demands, with respect, a positive and proactive attitude and conduct by all employees, irrespective of their position.
  • Through implementation of this policy, SHEMS Solutions Consultants Limited seeks to earn the public’s trust and to be recognized as the leader in HSE performance.

This policy shall be reviewed at regular interval (annually) and/or as circumstances warrant.